Mastermind PBC/6X
Compact, powerful and flexible
The Mastermind PBC/6X is our response to all of our customers who said “I like the PBC/10, but I want it smaller, less expensive, and I want to be able to change loop order on the fly!”
The PBC/6X allows you to connect 6 pedals and have complete flexibility in choosing which pedals are on at any time, as well as the order of those pedals in your signal chain. You can also control any MIDI compatible devices and switch channels on most amps that use 1/4-inch switching jacks.
The Mastermind PBC/6X features:
- 6 audio loops, 3 of which are stereo capable
- A buffered insert loop that can be used for a 7th pedal, or for special routing strategies like the “four cable method”
- Matrix switching that allows reordering of loops
- 2 function switches for amplifier channel control
- An integrated tuner
- A full-featured MIDI controller that can send any type of MIDI message